Since 2008, Epiitalis® – our patented active ingredient, has undergone rigorous assessments in both laboratory and clinical trials to test its satety and etticacy across a variety of species including humans, horses dogs and cats.
Many of these studies have been peer reviewed and published in leading journals with Epiitalis® consistently demonstrating significant and clinically relevant modification of the symptoms of osteoarthritis. In addition, we have evidence from both labratory and an equine model of osteoarthtis that Epiitalis® may have disease-modifying activity in the setting of osteoarthritis.
Below, you’ll find a selection of our scientific highlights from a growingbody of evidence that supports the efficacy of Epiitalis® in the management of osteoarthritis.
*Note: The excerpts below have been highly summarised, please click on the links to read the full papers
Epiitalis® in Humans Studies
Dr. Peter Mitchell
BSc, Ph.D. Research Consultant - Interpath
Dr. Peter Mitchell has a BSc. Honors degree in biochemistry, a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry. He additionally completed postdoctoral research at both Vanderbilt University and the Medical College of Wisconsin. He has authored more than 60 peer-reviewed publications and 50 abstracts.
CollapseEpiitalis® is effective at treating symptoms of x-ray diagnosed knee-osteoarthritis
The study
Epiitalis® is efficacious at reducing the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis: a pilot, multi site, dose ranging, randomized, blinded, placebo controlled trial.
Peter G. Mitchell, Corina A. Bright, Daniel R. Bright, Shalini N. Srivastava, Sonal S. Raote, & Santosh Kumar.
Infammopharmacology 2022 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10787-022-01013-yThe study design:
Figure 1: Change in VAS Pain (100-point scale; Day 0 – Day 56) Epiitalis® groups (High dose, Mid dose and, Low dose) vs Placebo
Summary of results:
Figure 2: Total SF-36 scores for the Epiitalis® groups (High dose, Mid dose and, Low dose)) vs placebo group, Baseline (Day 0) to Day 56 (study end).
Summary of results:
Figure 3: Total WOMAC score change), normalised to 100-point scale, Baseline to Day 56 for Epiitalis® groups (High dose, Mid dose and, Low dose) vs Placebo, Baseline (Day 0) to Day 56 (study end).
Summary of results:
Figure 4: Percentage of participants whose symptoms significantly responded to intervention with Epiitalis® (High dose; Mid dose and, Low dose) vs Placebo, measured using the OMERACT-OARSI Responder Index, Baseline (Day 0) to Day 56 (study end).
Summary of results:
Figure 5: Kinetics for onset of clinical efficacy induced by Epiitalis® Mid dose (hBo-MD) vs Placebo, depicted by change in pain on a 100-VAS scale, from Baseline to Day 56. Error bars are +/- one standard deviation.
Summary of results:
Epiitalis® in Horses Studies
C. Wayne McIlwraith
BVSc (Dist), (DVM), PhD, DSc, FRCVS, Diplomate ACVS, Diplomate ACVSMR
University Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Barbara Cox Anthony University Chair in Orthopaedics Emeritus
Founding Director of Orthopaedic Research Center Emeritus“Our placebo-controlled study at the CSU Orthopaedic Research Center showed that this is definitely a disease modifying osteoarthritis product. We have never seen the dramatic reduction of radiographic scores in any other study using this model. It was impressive”
CollapseIn an equine model of osteoarthritis, Epiitalis® decreased synovial fluid inflammation and pathological bone changes in the joint.
The study
Examining the effects of the oral supplement Biota orientalis in the osteochondral fragment-exercise model of osteoarthritis in the horse.
Kathryn A. Seabaugh, Myra F. Barrett, C. Wayne McIlwraith, David D. Frisbie.
Frontiers in Veterinary Science 2022 – https://doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2022.858391The study design: Epiitalis® significantly reduced pathological radiographic bone changes.
Figure 1: Dorsolatero-palmaromedial oblique radiographs of a placebo-treated horse (A) and an Epiitalis® treated horse (B) on Day 70
Osteochondral fragment visible in both horses. Sclerosis of third carpal bone and radiocarpal bone are visible in placebo-treated treated horse as well as enthesopathy of the joint capsule, and osteophytosis. Soft tissue swelling representing middle carpal joint effusion is the only common abnormality between the two horses.
Figure 2. Mean differences in PGE2 values for placebo and Epiitalis treated horses. Measurements are in terms of changes from baseline.
Summary of results:
Improvement in equine arthritic symptoms after just one week using 4CYTE™ Epiitalis® Forte Horse
The study
To assess the efficacy of the clinical dose of Epiitalis® Forte in horses with symptomatic joint arthritis Dr Frederick W. Benker et al, Equine Medical Centre of Ocala (Internal, non-peer reviewed data)
Figures 1 and 2: Changes in lameness and range of movement respectively in horses undergoing treatment with 4CYTE Epiitalis® Forte over 42 days
The study design:
Summary of results:
Epiitalis® in Dogs Studies
A new leash on life: 4CYTE™ Epiitalis® Forte effectively treats the symptoms of osteoarthritis in dogs with established joint disease.
The study
A pilot study of 4CYTE™ Epiitalis® Forte for Dogs, a novel nutraceutical, in the management of naturally occurring osteoarthritis in dogs
93.5% of dogs who used 4CYTE™ showed improvement in their quality of life* 94% of dogs who used 4CYTE™ showed an improvement in movement and also showed an improvement in quality of life.* 74% of dogs who used 4CYTE™ showed improvement in movement* 71% of dogs using prescription OA medications showed further improvement when 4CYTE™ was added to their treatment regime*
T Beths,* R Munn, SH Bauquier, P Mitchell and T Whittem
Australian Veterinary Journal 2020 https://doi.org/10.1111/avj.13024The study design:
Summary of results:
4CYTETM with Epiitalis® is Non-Inferior to the Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug, Carprofen, in Canines with Clinical Osteoarthritis
The study
A randomised controlled masked clinical trial of two treatments for osteoarthritis in dogs.
T Whittem, L Richards, J Alexander, C Beck, C Knight, M Milne, M Rockman, R Saunders, D Tyrrell
Australian Veterinary Journal 2021 https://doi.org/10.1111/avj.13066The study design:
The percentage of dogs that showed no improvement (grey) or improvement (green) in their Owner Lameness Score after 28 days, with daily oral treatment of either 4CYTE™ Canine or carprofen.
Summary of results:
Epiitalis® in Cells Studies
In Vitro Cell Research
Epiitalis® has demonstrated two consistent properties in in vitro research utilizing cartilage explants and/or chondrocyte monolayers:
1. Inhibition of IL-1 induced prostaglandin E2 (PGE2)
2. Stimulation of chondrocyte numberThe study
A preparation of Biota orientalis, treated to simulate the gastric digestion process in a whole animal, reduced PGE2 production from cartilage explants.
Pearson W, Orth MW, Karrow NA, and Lindinger MI.
Am J Vet Res 2008 https://doi.org/10.2460/ajvr.69.12.1560)The study design:
Summary of results:
Epiitalis® Publication List
- Mitchell PG, Bright CA, Bright DR, Yadav SS, Raote S. (2022). A double-blind, double-dummy, dose-response, randomized, placebo-controlled study to assess the efficacy of Epiitalis® on knee pain in patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis. Inflammopharmaclogy Journal. doi.org/10.1007/s10787-022-01013-y
- Seabaugh KA, Barrett MF, McIlwraith W, Frisbi DD. (2022). Examining the Symptom-modifying and Disease-modifying Effects of the Oral Supplement Biota Orientalis in the Osteochondral Fragment-exercise Model of Osteoarthritis. Vet Sci J. 9:858391
- Beths, Munn R, Bauquier SH, Mitchell PG. and Whittem T. (2020). A pilot study of 4CYTE™ Epiitalis® Forte, a novel nutraceutical, in the management of naturally occurring Osteoarthritis in dogs. Aust Vet J. 2021 Jan;99(1-2):59. doi: 10.1111/avj.13046.
- Whittem et al. A Randomised Controlled Masked Clinical Trial of Two Treatments for Osteoarthritis in Dogs. Australian Veterinary Journal; Published Online, April 21, 2021
- Bailey SR, University of Melbourne. (2011). Anti-inflammatory, cell proliferative and chondroprotective effects of Constituent 4 (EPIITALIS®) Fractions and/or Sub-fractions in a cartilage explant model of inflammation. Internal Interpath Research Report
- Pearson W, Orth MW, and Lindinger MI. (2009). Evaluation of inflammatory responses induced via intra-articular injection of interleukin-1 in horses receiving a dietary nutraceutical and assessment of the clinical effects of long-term nutraceutical administration. Am J Vet Res;70:848-861.
- Pearson W, Orth MW, Karrow NA, and Lindinger MI. (2008). Effects of simulated digests of Biota Orientalis and a dietary nutraceutical on interleukin-1- induced inflammatory responses in cartilage explants. Am J Vet Res; 69:1560-1568